Barnett Bank Alumni |
Oral History Project
What is oral history? The Oral History Association defines it as follows: "Oral history is the preservation, through recorded interviews, of first-hand accounts from participants in important political, cultural and social developments. It is both the oldest type of historical inquiry (predating the written word) and one of the most modern - conducted with tape recorders since the 1940s."
The Barnett Historic Foundation is conducting an oral history program to complement the written historical records. Tapes and transcripts of the interviews will be included in the donation of records to the Florida State Archives. With the exception of the William R. Barnett interview (conducted by Russell S. Hoadley) and the Warren Henderson interview (conducted by Allen L. Lastinger, Jr.), all interviews have been conducted by David J. Ginzl. To date, the following interviews have been completed:
Interviewee |
William H. Adams, III Rebecca S. Allen Carlos J. Arboleya Edward L. "Ted" Baker William B. "Bill" Barnett William R. Barnett R.David Barnett F. Elgin Bayless, Jr. Judith S. Beaubouef E. Dixie Beggs, Jr. Benjamin C. Bishop, Jr. Raphael T. "Ted" Brauch Richard C. Brewer, Jr. John T. Cannon, III Marsha Cantrell Jack H. Chambers Lee H. Chaplin, Jr. Andrew B. Cheney Charles E. Commander, III Catherine Cosby Marshall M. Criser, Jr. Charles K. "Pete" Cross Sam A. Davis, II Roseann Duran Albert D. Ernest, Jr. William M. Fackler Edith Botts Fawsett (Guy Botts's daughter) Douglas K. Freeman John M. Godfrey Carter H. Golembe Jeffrey K. Graf James R. Griffiths Lee E. Hanna Stephen A. Hansel Robert A. Hawkins James A. Head Warren Henderson |
Hugh H. Jones, Jr. Richard H. Jones Warren Jones Richard D. Jordan Roland S. Kennedy Roland S. Kennedy Paul T. Kerins Nancy J. Kesler Steven A. and Helen P. LaMore (jointly) Allen L. Lastinger, Jr. Fred L. McCord Richard G. McCroskey Allan L. McLeod, Jr. C. Murray McQuaid C. Carl Mertins, Jr. Andrea P. Mims James F. Mondello William R. Myers Charles W. Newman Hinton F. Nobles, Jr. Samuel Northrop, Jr. Charles E. Rice Don D. Roberts Frederick H. Schultz James K. Slater Lynda O. Smith George A. Snelling David M. Strickland R. Michael Strickland Richard E. Swartley Michael A. Walters Yvonne West (Bion Barnett's granddaughter) William B. Williams Thomas H. Yochum Russell S. Hoadley Tom N. Humphress James H. Winston